Monday 31 March 2014

P4,M4 and D4 User Guide

P4, M4 and D4 User Guide.
Lan Connection Via ps3.

Managing my time and resources: when setting up the console I had to be quick when setting up and configuring the consoles so that my colleagues could equally have the time and opportunity to set up and configure the consoles. also I had to use the resources provided to set up the consoles so that others can equally set up consoles at the same time.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Software Technologies (p3)

Software Technologies.
Platform Dependency
Dependent: Hardware-dependent is a program or programming language that is designed only to work on specific hardware device. For example, a game could be hardware-dependent and only work with PC (IBM compatible) hardware, which would cause the game to be incompatible with an Apple computer.


Independent: Is when a program can be run on either any hardware platform (e.g. Pc or Mac) or any software platform(e.g. OS x, windows or Linux).Programs written in Java tend to be able to run on practically any platform.
Operating systems
The operating system is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. Examples of operating systems are :
OS X mavericks: The new os comes with over 200 new features to make the use of the pc even more amazing. Features include iBook’s, multiple display support, maps, calendar, safari 7, cloud keychain, finder tabs, notifications and tags. Those are some of the most notable and best features that have been added since they make using the pc simpler.

Windows 8: Windows 8 equally have an impressive haul of new features that amaze users. Some are secret start menu, sync settings, windows defender, simple shut down, built in screenshots, keyboard shortcuts, snap your apps, file history, iso support, reinstall windows are just some as many brilliant features added to the new windows OS.

A driver is software that allows your computer to communicate with hardware or devices. Without drivers, the hardware you connect to your computer for example, a video card or a printer won't work properly. examples of drivers are: Soundcard driver and  graphics card driver


Soundcard drivers: when you want to Listen to audio from a computer system, it requires a sound card. With the right type of sound card, you can turn an average  computer into an entertainment system. But in order to make the sound card actually work, you'll also need a sound card driver.

Graphics card driver:The graphics components are the part of your computer that control and enhance how graphics (pictures, videos, programs, animation and 3D) are displayed on your computer screen.The graphics driver is a program that controls how your graphic components work with the rest of your computer, your software, like SketchUp, your monitor, and so on.

Application software
Application software is all the computer software that causes a computer to perform useful tasks beyond the running of the computer itself.
Interpreted language: is a programming language. The interpreter executes the program source code directly, statement by statement, as a processor or scripting engine does interpreted tend to be slower than compiled but don't need any compliers which are expensive.
Compiled language: Compiled Language: A language that requires a compiler program to turn programming source code into an executable machine-language binary program. After compiling once, the program can continue to be run from its binary form without compiling again examples are C and C++.
Scripting :A high-level programming language that is interpreted by another program at runtime rather than compiled by the computer's processor as other programming languages (such as C and C++) are.
Graphical API
Graphical Api: application programming interface is the software that renders the video you see on the screen an example is direct X9 which has high frames per second.
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the computer industry's standard application program interface (API) for defining 2-D and 3-D graphic images.
Windows supports DirectX 8.0, which enhances the multimedia capabilities of your computer. DirectX provides access to the capabilities of your display and audio cards, which enables programs to provide realistic three-dimensional graphics and immersive music and audio effects.
Sound API
Sound API: is very similar to graphical API's as well in the sense that they equally come in libraries. an example of a sound API is direct sound.
DirectSound is a software component of the Microsoft DirectX library for the Windows operating system. DirectSound provides a low-latency interface to the sound card driver and can handle the mixing and recording of multiple audio streams.


Monday 27 January 2014

Analysing Hardware of game platforms. (P2,M2 and D2)

Hardware technologies for game platforms. 
CPU: The CPU of the XBOX 360 is called the XENON. The processor was initially called “water noose” which was named after a character from monster Inc. There are four types of xenon’s due to the Generations and modifications of the XBOX 360 over the years. They are called xenon- XCPUES, XCPU Zephyr, XCPU falcon and XCGPU. The speed of the xenon is measured in GHz. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. The speed of the XENON is measured in GHz and is clocked at 3.2 GHz.

Address Bus: A collection of wires connecting the CPU with main memory that is used to identify particular locations (addresses) in main memory.

GPU: Graphics processing unit. The Xbox 360 boasts the new, custom-built 500-MHz ATI Graphics Processor card with 10 MB of embedded DRAM.GPU clock is the graphics processor unit's (GPU) clock speed, measured in megahertz (MHz).


Memory types: on the x box 360 you can buy certain memory types e.g. 120GB or the 250GB hard drive x box 360s these massive hard drives give you the option to be able to install games onto your hard drive so if the disk scratches you can still play the game. You can also connect you portable of flash drives and move or play or use files of them And equally install games on them.
Also you have different memory types such as hard drive and flash drive.

Hard drive: A portable hard drive is a type of digital storage device. It is generally convenient to transport and has a large storage capacity. Such a device is compatible with most computers and will generally operate with Windows and Mac. People tend to store things such as games and game saves on them also movies and songs.
  • Large amounts of memory
  • recovers data much faster than a floppy disk or CD-ROM
  •  data is not lost when you switch off the computer
  •  hard disks ultimately fail

Flash Drive: A small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computer USB port and functions as a portable hard drive. USB flash drives are touted as being easy-to-use as they are small enough to be carried in a pocket and can plug into any computer with a USB drive. USB flash drives have less storage capacity than an external hard drive, but they are smaller and more durable because they do not contain any internal moving parts. These can also be used to store games and loads more depending on the game storage.

  • Portable
  • uses little power
  • Data stored on flash drives is impervious to mechanical shock, magnetic fields, scratches and dust

  • Can only sustain a small amount format life cycles.

Other memory types include:

RAM: Random access memory, a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly, that is, any byte of memory can be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers and other devices.

type of memory chip which is faster and requires less power than dynamic memory.

Human-computer interface: the study, planning, and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers. My study is about the x box 360 

Interface: is a type of computer device that interacts directly with, and most often takes input from, humans and may deliver output to humans. The interface device for the x box 360 is the gamepad which involves analogues as well as the d pad. The controller has 2 types, wired and wireless, the wired controller connects to one of the four USB ports that can be found on either the front or back of the console, whereas the wireless controller connects via an infrared sensor planted on the console also.  
Game storage medium: for the X box 360 include flash memory and DVD drive.


Flash memory: Can be used on the latest consoles to transfer data, saved games, downloaded files, profiles and is a useful means of extra storage for consoles with low memory built however only new consoles support flash memory therefore they already have the necessary hard drive capacity needed.

DVD: is another means of storage as they can be used to store data, boot operating systems, run games, videos and music. DVD allow users to travel with the data easily as there small and most gaming devices are compatible with them.
  • Portable
  • data stored in compact format
  • Easily corrupted
UMD: Universal Media Disc, ) is an optical disc medium developed by Sony for use on their PlayStation Portable handheld gaming and multimedia platform. It can hold up to 1.8 gigabytes of data and is capable of housing video games, feature-length films, and music.
  • portable
  • multiple storages options such as (games, videos and more)
  • Only has 1.8 Gb memory
  • only works on some versions of the PlayStation portable

Connectivity: For the x box 360 include USB ports, Wi-Fi and Lan.
USB ports: are a way of connectivity because you can connect  devices such as flash drives, hard drives, Kinect sensor and the wired controller. without these the use of the x box would be of lesser use and meaning.
  Wi-Fi: enables the X box 360 to be connected to the internet wirelessly and effortlessly. This enables the x box to access its online feature which is x box live, this enables gamers to be able to play and interact online with millions of other gamers worldwide.
Lan: enables you to play system link on the x box 360, System link play is a form of multiplayer gaming that lets you connect two Xbox 360 consoles by using a cable or up to 16 consoles through a network. With linked consoles, multiple players can play the same game. This type of multiplayer gaming is different from split-screen multiplayer gaming, in which all the players are connected to the same console
Other types of connectivity include WAN, GPRS, WAP and Bluetooth.

WAN: Wide Area Network, Wide-Area Networks are commonly connected either through the Internet or special arrangements made with phone companies or other service providers.

GPRS: General packet radio service, is a packet oriented mobile data service available to users of the 2G cellular communication systems global system for mobile communications (GSM), as well as in the 3G systems.

WAP: wireless application protocol. Wireless Application Protocol, a secure specification that allows users to access information instantly via handheld wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators.

Bluetooth: A standard for the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices.


Power supply: The power supply is incredibly vital because it controls the power going in and out of the console and it controls what voltage to run at so that it does not overheat.



Wednesday 11 December 2013

Game platforms (P1,M1 and D1)

Game platforms: are systems that you can use to play games on. Examples of gaming platforms are: Handheld(include PS vita, PSP , Nintendo ds, Gameboy and more), mobile(android phones, Ios devices, windows phones and more mobile devoices) stand alone(include ps1,2,3and 4,X box original, arcade, elite, slim and one, Wii u, an more) Pc(windows, OS x mavericks and more), video(includes YouTube and more), internet(includes flash games, online shooters and more), arcade systems(includes just arcade systems) and TV(include simple games) . All of these platforms have their disadvantages and advantages.

Portable: you can carry them around anywhere

Portable: you can carry them around anywhere.
multiple uses: can be  used to play games as well as surfing the net and much more.

Stand alone
exclusive games (left for dead, dead rising and God of war): these games are only available on the consoles their exclusive to.
console games are plug in and play : you don't have to install anything like you do a computer.
very powerful devices: tend to have powerful processors and graphics cards and so on.

Customizability: The PC version of skyrim allows for the player to customize certain aspects of what appears when the game is being played, this can range from textures to draw distances to shaders.

Controllers: You can play many PC games with any of the three console controllers. The PC version of skyrim plays like it's console counterparts because it supports both controllers, the Xbox 360 controller is usually plug and play and the PS3 controller requires some work.

Maintain excitement: this is a good platform because it keeps you from getting bored when waiting an example is when your waiting for a video to load on YouTube you could press u a n a little snake game would start.

Good fun: internet games are played by millions of people daily.

Unique games: On arcade systems you get very unique games that bring different sorts of excitements.

Extra feature: as well as being able to watch TV you can equally now game on your TV.


Poor battery life: handhelds are notorious for having short battery lifespans, and the average lifespan for a handheld's battery is getting shorter and shorter every generation

Less powerful: Handhelds are usually a generation or two behind their home console counterparts because of the limitations of portable technology and the limitations of batteries. That gap might be getting smaller with the PS Vita, but more power usually hurts battery life

Not as powerful: mobile gaming is now bigger and better with games such as Fifa, Nba, call of duty, need for speed and many more coming out on these devices and even more impressively the graphics are close to console graphics but these games are always massive in memory so they always tend to crash on the devices and more importantly the drain battery quickly.

Stand alone
controllers: Most console games only utilize the controller that comes with the console. You cannot play a PS3 game with a Wii controller and the same applies to being able to play and Xbox game with a Wii or PS3 controller. If you want to play an FPS game on a console with a mouse and keyboard you have to make sure the game supports it, which most console games do not.        

Potential: Consoles typically don't play a game to it's full potential if there is a PC version of that game, a weak PC doesn't either.

Cost of full entertainment: playing a lot of games on the highest specs can be extremely expensive. Buying a PC that can handle games running on the highest settings can easily cost well into thousands of pounds.

Upgrades: Chances are when you buy a fancy gaming computer it is almost instantly considered obsolete, within a month a better computer is bound to come out.


Quality: the quality of games will always be simple and poor on these types of platforms.

require certain downloads: at times e.g. adobe flash player or something similar to play the best games.


Money: arcade systems always require money for you to play them and you only get a certain amount of goes.

quality: gaming quality on a TV will always be poor due to the manufactures putting more effort and focus into the more important aspects

These are advantages and disadvantages of gaming platforms. All have special features and unique reasons why people will purchase them.

History of these platforms

Handheld: are very big devices to the gaming world because they cure boredom when consoles aren't working or you're on you travels.

Past: The world's first handheld console was released in 1979 by Milton Bradley. Microvision was designed by Jay Smith, designer of the Vectrex system. Despite the system's initial success, it was gone from the market by 1981, due to the small selection of games and plethora of technical problems.

Present: Handheld devices are at the peak of their powers at the moment with devices such as Nintendo ds introducing models such as the Ds, DSi, DSi Xl and the 3ds. all of these models have been successful when they were introduced, my personal favourite being the 3ds because it show you how far handhelds have come all the way from simple 2d graphics to actual 3d viewing without glasses as well. The most successful game on the Nintendo ds is super Mario bros with an estimated 30.1 million sales. also on the ds you can surf the net, take picture and videos and so much more. the PlayStation portable is equally another great handheld device the reason for this is that gaming graphic quality has increased model by model, they actual come close to console graphics which is why so many people love the portable. the portable comes in different models such as PS 100, PS 2000, PS 3000, PS go and the latest and best the PlayStation Vita. The most sold game on the portable is monster hunter with 4.6 million sales worldwide.


Future: The future of handheld gaming is yet to be seen but one of the new features is remote play, with the new Ps4 just coming out, there's a new feature called remote play. remote play is when you play your ps4 on you PS vita from anywhere as long as your connected to internet. this is an amazing feature because it means  you don't always have to be at home to play your console you can access it from any where.

Mobile: Gaming on mobile is becoming big as well with more people actually preferring to buy a powerful mobile phone rather than buying a simple mobile and a handheld console due to the new amazing technology coming out.

Past: The first game on a mobile phone was a Tetris game on the Hagenuk MT-2000 device from 1994. this game wouldn't have been to big back then due not that many people having mobile phones and if you had one gaming wasn't why you had one.

Present: In the present day mobile gaming is gently approaching the peak of its power but I don't feel its quite there yet. Companies such as android, IOS and windows are trying to introduce more and more console games onto their products such as Fifa, call of duty, need for speed, Nba, and much more to expand their audience. The problems with these games is that no matter how amazing the graphics are and actual gameplay is it will always drain a substantial amount of battery within short amount of time, big amounts of memory are usually taken up and the devices they run on are mostly not powerful enough to run it fully so at some point the game will crash. But he most successful games on mobile aren't the console games they're actually simple games such as angry birds. candy crush temple run and more, these games are the most popular because they have an addictive factor to them. I can tell thatt mobile gaming is huge because the games I mentioned above either have series or at least over 100 million downloads worldwide.

Future: The future of gaming on mobile holds a lot I think. with devices being built with better graphics system, more powerful processors, longer battery life and more I feel that mobile gaming in the future will be better than it currently is and it wont be simple games such as candy crush and angry birds dominating the market instead it could be games which dominate the console genre which will be more better on these devices.
Stand alone: is equally nearing the peak of its powers as well. Stand alone consoles are what make the gaming world what it is today. with online servers on both major stand alone consoles(ps3 and x box 360) increasing by thousands week after week it shows you the strength of stand alone consoles.
Past: The Magnavox Odyssey was the first video game console, released in 1972. It sold over 300,000 units, was discontinued in 1975, it had no central processing unit and it had 2 paddles.
Present: stand alone consoles at the present are probably the heart to the gaming world. a big reason for this is the games currently available on them, games such as Fifa 14, Nba 2k14, Halo, call of duty, battlefield and much more have mind blowing graphics, realistic storylines, realistic sounds and thousands more of amazing features. The two main  standalone consoles (x box 360 and ps3) have actually being out sold by the Nintendo Wii which is a shock to a lot of people. the ps3 and x box 360 have just over 80 million sales whilst the Nintendo Wii has a mind boggling 100 million sales worldwide. The reason the wii has sold more is that its target audience is wider than both the ps3 and 360 and also the wii is much cheaper than the Wii. But on the ps3 and 360 you can use it as a multipurpose device , so as well as gaming you can surf the net, watch movies, listen to songs and much more.
Future: the future of stand alone console have just being released, the X box one and the PlayStation 4 have just being released. these devices are what is supposed to take gaming to another different level. but it is still to be seen yet as the games that have been released on both consoles are on their predecessor. also I can tell that these are going to be bigger due to the sales of both consoles which both reached over 2 million sales within about three weeks of release worldwide.
Past: The PDP-1 was also the original hardware for playing history's first game on a minicomputer, Steve Russell's Spacewar.
Present: pc games are bigger now than ever mainly because of the graphics on pc games. Also with gamers having the ability now to build a system to their exact specifications such as graphics cards, cpu, ram and many more hardware components that make the gaming experience even better. also on pc you can edit your graphics o your exact specification depending on how powerful the pc you own is. also yet another reason why pc gaming is huge is due to steam play. on steam play you can download thousands of games onto your pc and play online around the world with million others.I know pcs are big gaming wise because the average pc gamer has spent at least over 650 pounds on their gaming pc.

The future of PC gaming will only get bigger and better I think. due to many manufactures constantly producing more powerful hardware components specifically for gaming it will only entice more people into pc gaming.


Past: computer space was the first ever coin operated platform to be made. The gameplay consisted of manoeuvring a rocket ship to avoid enemy fire from flying saucers (while firing off missiles to destroy them), using a thruster and rotational buttons. arcade systems were in their prime in the past due to how amazing the games were and also other platform gaming hadn't reached any great level so arcade systems were what everyone played at the time.

present: arcade systems are not has big as they used to be due to more advanced gaming systems are out, arcade systems only play one game whereas consoles have over a hundred games that can be played on them and more importantly people want to play the games at home at their own comfort not have to go somewhere to pay for goes on a certain game.

Future: Arcade systems don't really have a future as far as I'm concerned due 8th generation consoles such as the x box one, ps4 and the Nintendo Wii U. These consoles will only get better and better that arcade machines wont be anywhere close to the same level as them. also the arcade systems tend to be failing because the amount the owners have to spend on repairs and damage is too much, arcade systems are gradually being reduced all around the country( they can only be found in certain places)


Past: First ever internet game I believe was spectre, a game for the apple Macintosh that used apple talk as a network to play with others. it supported up to 8 players per match.

Present: Internet games are huge today due to how much better they have evolved, websites like miniclip is visited by thousands of players daily due to the amount of games on there, also the fact that their free on entices more people to visit and play.

Future: the future of internet gaming might get bigger or smaller. Due to more technology being developed better quality games might be released onto the internet to play for free. also internet gaming could also go down due to other competitors such as 8th gen consoles, mobile and computer gaming being bigger and better gaming wise the audience could reduce.


Gaming on televisions have never been massive and probably wont be any better, you get the occasional simple game where you have to play with your remote. most games on television always tend to be quiz related games one because their easy to make and 2 it makes use of the directional keypad on remote controllers. an example of one of these games is who wants to be a millionaire on sky, a simple game where all you have to do is just pick simple answers using the directional keypad of your remote controller. the most high profile television gaming system is the Sony bravia that came with a built in PlayStation 2 system, the TV could play ps2 and 1 games as well as dvd's and could access online features such as you tube and bbc player.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

My platforms

How much of a gamer are you: at the current state of my life I tend not to spend that many hours   p laying games anymore due to boredom and running out x box live. I only really play games on my Xbox 360 due to not having any other game console and the android and IOS device I own are used for different purposes. I only really play a small collection of games (about 2 or 3) due to only liking a certain genre of games. in the last month my hours of gaming have decreased, if I was to have a guess I would say my hours of gaming in the last month is about 16 hours. mostly due to having run out of X box live.

Why do you play games? I play games because they bring excitement and joy and elements of
surprise on specific games. I also play games because my friends play games and its a great way to bond and weigh yourself against them in certain games.

What arcade platforms have you owned in your lifetime: I have owned all sorts of game platforms across my lifetime they are:  Sega mega drive 2, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, PSP, X box, PC, PlayStation 3, X box 360, Android and IOS. I've had all those platforms at some point In my life and in that order. some consoles platforms I still own such as the Xbox 360, PC, Android and IOS whereas I've either given others out or I sold them. all these gaming platforms have brought me elements of surprise and joy whilst I had them all.

What is your earliest gaming memory: My earliest gaming memory was playing mortal combat on my Sega drive 2. I was a very big fan of the mortal combat series and playing the game on the Sega drive was a very early and important game memory.

What is your favourite game platform: my favourite game platform is my X box 360 due to I having multiple purposes as well as playing games on the console I can equally watch movies, TV shows, sports and files of my flash stick, I can also listen to all sorts of music as well and I can equally use apps and surf the web.

What is your favourite game: my favourite game at the moment has to be fifa 14 due to having played the series since fifa 1999  I've always loved sports games especially football due to being a big fan of football.

What is the rationale of the game your currently making: the reason I am making my game is the similar games in the genre (boons tower defence and when penguins attack) are very successful games so I liked the idea of making a tower defence game with an edge that no body has ever seen on a tower defence game so that mine can be as unique as well. Also bloons tower defence is on all sorts of different platforms.